Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Shopping...

Well, here it is...December. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone, and I certainly cannot believe that Christmas is almost here. So how many of you have even started your shopping?

My co-workers and friends look at me like I'm nuts, when I tell them that I am done. I do still need to take my kids to get their dad's presents, but other than that, I'm all done. However, in my case, that is nothing to brag about! I am so bad about getting done early, complaining about how much money I've spent, and then spend the next few weeks buying more stuff. I'll be in the store and think...oh my son will love that...but then since I buy him one more thing, I have to buy my daughter one more thing. I love to get people stuff...and at Christmas I can't seem to control myself.