Sunday, November 18, 2007

Eat Your Veggies!

I ordered Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook, "Deceptively Delicious", in October and finally got it this weekend. I must say, I am impressed. My son has eaten more veggies this weekend than he has ever eaten, I think.

I think it's hard work, but it's probably hard right now because I have to think about what I'm cooking and what I need and such. However, it is absolutely worth it!

A couple of things that we've tried, didn't go over so well, but overall it's worked. He didn't like the mac-n-cheese, because it has navy beans in it. The navy beans make it have a strange texture that he didn't go for, but he doesn't know why it tasted funny, he thought it had just gotten cold.

Anyway, so far it's a winner.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Probably my biggest pet peave is when people don't wash their hands. GROSS!

I work in a fairly nice office building. However, I am thoroughly convinced that the cleaning people don't really clean...I really don't even think they wipe things down. Every day, the counter is just as dirty as it was the day before. The doors of the bathroom stalls, which are supposed to be white, have something on them from where everyone touches the doors.

Every now and then, I take a Lysol wipe in there and wipe off the door and the toilet of the stall I use. But if the nastiness of the bathrooms isn't enough, people don't wash their hands either!

There are the women that turn the water on and turn it right back off. What does that do? Do they think that nobody is going to notice?
Then, there are the women that put soap on their hands and rinse it off without rubbing it all over. That doesn't do anything either.
The other day, after a little over a year at this place, I was met with shock and horror when I witnessed someone walk right out of the stall and right out the door. OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO GROSS!

I just really don't know what else to say about this. A person can only use so much GermX before their hands start to crack from dryness.

Come on people. It takes 30 seconds.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

What color will it be today?

My teenage daughter was dying to color her hair. It seems that coloring your hair is the "in" thing right now at school. This summer, she used lemon juice. It was a disaster. Her hair, which is normally a sandy blonde, turned an ugly yellow color.

Her friends at school told her she'd look good with darker hair. So naturally, this time she wanted to go dark and go dark she did. It's kind of a brownish/redish color, and it looks pretty good. That was 2 weeks ago.

NOW, she wants to get a new hair cut AND get like blonde hair back with blue and black streaks. What in the world is that all about?

She's trying to convince me that the streaks are cool. It may very well be, but what she wants done would cost me at least $100. I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money on her hair, when I'm quite sure that it would only last about 3 weeks before she needed a change. I would think it'd be a costly hairdo to maintain.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Selling your PB & J

My son really thinks outside the box. I really don't think he knows there is a box, and he will surely be my entrepreneur.

My husband had been packing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in his lunch...I guess for too many days in a row. One day, he decides he would like ice cream for lunch, but has no cash. Hmm...what to do? He "traded" his peanut butter and jelly sandwich for a dollar!

The girl wanted his sandwich, and he wanted her dollar. Fair trade right?

I think it's absolutely hilarious! I did explain to him that when you exchange something for money it's "selling" not trading, but his response was "call it whatever you want, I got my ice cream".

You've gotta respect his initiative on that one.