Friday, March 7, 2008


I don't know about you, but I think about the Iraq war ALL the time. I don't have any friends or family over there, but it just really disturbs me to think of what is happening over there.

My son had a program at school last night, and it was all songs about America. They sang about freedom, war, the military anthems, etc. One of the songs they sang, made me think. They sang the Lee Greenwood song, God Bless the USA. He actually spoke at my high school graduation (a long time ago). He was there getting ready to put on a concert, found out a graduation was taking place, and gave a short little speech and sang part of that song. Anyway, part of the lyrics are "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. I won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me". The mere thought of this gives me chills.

I am proud to be an American, and it is hard for me to visualize anything different. I cannot imagine living with the chaos and car bombs that some countries, like Iraq, do. I cannot imagine being afraid to go to the grocery store for fear of being kidnapped or blown up. I cannot imagine what day-to-day life is like for citizens over there. Furthermore, I cannot imagine OUR men and women over there being killed while trying to bring order to THEIR country.

Believe me, I understand that we have to protect our country. I understand that we have to take out the enemy that attacks us. I get that. What I don't really get is that we are trying to help them put together a government, and help train their military to protect their country. That doesn't seem right.

I'm just really not sure about this whole thing, and I'm really not sure where I stand. Yes, if you are a threat to America, we'll take you out. However, should America really be in charge of "training" other countries and help them change the way they've done things forever. Is that really our place? I know we're talking about the governement here, but isn't there a line to be crossed somewhere?

I just wonder...I thought the reason we attacked was to get Saddam. We did that, so why are we still there?

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