Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just Gettin' Started

Wow!  What a weekend it has been so far!  I spent the majority of my day off yesterday helping at the high school.  Our fine arts program is gearing up for the spring musical, and it is definately getting busy.  With so many missed rehearsals due to snow, I think everyone is on edge, parents included.  I do alot to help out.  It gives me a chance to be around my daughter, and almost as importantly, to be around the people she is hanging around.  For the most part, they are a great group of kids.  Being at the school, though, reinforces the fact that I could never be a teacher.  Kids are a bunch of germy animals!

I woke with a migraine today, and it was a doozy.  It took me out of commission until almost very frustrating.  I still have several things to get caught up on, but I'm pretty sure I can do that tomorrow.  Then, on Monday, my son starts baseball practice.  It's hard to tell if he is excited about it or not.  I am.  I love watching baseball...especially when he is on the field.  Of course, he scares me to death when he tries to steal bases.  He isn't the best at that, and my heart races every time!

I'm trying to stess the importance of organization to both kids right now.  I really am not sure they get it, but I work on it every day.  There is no way we can do everything we do, if we aren't organized.

Sleep well....I know I will!

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