Thursday, March 3, 2011

Money Doesn't Always Mean Happy...

I have a great job.  I make good money, I have fantastic benefits, and I live a pretty finacially comfortable life.  I am not rich by any means, but I don't worry if I want to buy a new pair of shoes or pay to have my daughter's hair done.  Although I have a great job, I don't like what I do.  I can't say I've enjoyed any part of it, in the last 5 years that I've done it.  So, I've been thinking about moving on.

I really don't know what I'm going to move on to, though.  I have some ideas, but nothing promises the comfortable income I've enjoyed for 5 years.  Because my kids have never had to do without, this change concerns my daughter tremendously.  My son, on the other hand, will be glad to have me back home with a more flexible schedule.  This is probably because he isn't much into material things, but my daughter...well, she's got a closet full of clothes and shoes and always wants more.

I would like my children to know that they can do anything they want in life...don't do something because you feel obligated to do it...take care of yourself and your family, but be happy with your choices.  Don't look back on life and reqret that you didn't do something.  They know how miserable I am, because I bring it home with me.  Is that really the example that I want to set?

So, I pose this question...would you rather take chances, live life, and get by (maybe not have a much money as your used to) or would you rather stay in your comfortable bubble and continue to be miserable?

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