Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Recovery - Day 2 day 2 kind of sucks.  My hip was a little stiff, until I got up and walked around.  Now, it's fine.  However, my upper back between my shoulders are killing me, and the neck incision doesn't feel great.

I really don't like to take pain medication, because it makes me so groggy.  I'm tired enough as it is, without adding pain killers.  I made it from 5:15 pm to 3:45 am last night, without taking them, so I thought that was good.  It's 11:00 am now, and I haven't had any since 3:45. 

I've spent the past couple of days watching Netflix, which doesn't have a whole lot of new movies on it, reading, facebooking, and sleeping.  That is my life right now, which is just fine by me.  I don't feel like doing much else anyway.

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