Monday, April 18, 2011

Recovery - One week later...

Well, here I am, one week later.  Before surgery, I had prepared for the worst and hoped for the best.  I really think I'm doing great! 

I called this morning for my post-op appointment, and got approval to try taking Excedrine instead of taking pain meds.  She said it may be too soon, but I could try it.  Well, I'm trying it.  I don't like the fact that when I take pain meds, it takes like 10 hours to feel normal again.  They do help me sleep, but they make me feel so groggy.

I get to take the bandages off tomorrow.  I'm excited about that, because they are huge.  They pull at my skin, which just irritates further.

My neck is still sore.  It's like my head is too heavy for me to hold up or something.  The fusion was the bottom 3 neck vertebrae, but it's sore at the top near my head.  Go figure.

Other than that, I feel great.  I've been out a couple of times, which is nice.  Getting out into the sun helps the mood, but it does makes me tired.  Everything right now takes alot of energy, so I do tire easily.  I'm sure that will fade in time.  The doctor said after this week, I can start walking for exercise.  I can't run for at least 3 months, but I can walk.  yay me. -_-

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